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Advanced Praise

“This Too…" is a beautiful reminder to relive the memories of those we have lost. The importance of continuing their legacy and to be present, to breathe, and to live in the moment because this too shall pass. We are never alone!”
-Chrisie C., CEO Vented in Brooklyn and Contributing author of “Magnificently Made”.


“It was amazing how much I can relate to everything you quoted. It really hit home for me. When you spoke about signs that keep our loved ones close and present and how grief is the greatest love no matter how bittersweet. It was like you were speaking through me as if you reached into the very depths of my heart and soul and knew exactly how I felt. I am so broken hearted over the loss of my parents. I do try to draw upon their strength to guide me through difficult times. Their everlasting love can show me the way and give me peace and comfort.”

“This Too…" authored by Natalie Friscia Pancetti is my new go-to book for life affirming nuggets of wisdom! Her Life-isms are real and relatable and are words you can carry in your heart forever. Plus, it will make a great gift and coffee table book!”
-Sharon M., Host of “Mom To More” Podcast

“You are such an inspiration at a critical time. I wish you so much success and I know that whoever receives your book will be better for it!”
-Kimberly, VP Mortgage banking, OSHA certified trainer and inspector for geotechnical engineering


“I felt your positive energy when I met you. You are a very wise woman and I can relate and connect with your beautiful quotes. You touch on important values that many people take for granted. I absolutely love this and will definitely be sharing. They are awesome! You are a beautiful human. Your writing is powerful, thought provoking, and motivational. You made my heart happy by sharing. What a beautiful world it would be if everyone slowed down, connected, and took action.”
-Tina, Educator


“Perfectly said! A lot of people use money to buy love in material things of this world. Those are empty purchases, instead they fail to see the true value of a genuine human soul. I cannot wait for your book to be released. Natalie Friscia Pancetti you have become so inspiring for me. Thank you for your daily words of affirmation, they are immensely appreciated. Many blessings to you. I have been a single mother on and off for 25 years. My son is autistic and has ADHD. Your words of women empowerment have kept me going on some days.”
-Arlene, Program Assistant for the U.S, Army Corps of Engineers


“This Too…” is a beautiful written compilation of unique quotes and Life-isms. Each one will open your mind and inspire you to reflect upon your own life. This book is a must have for everyone. It’s a great book to purchase for yourself to help you feel less lonely and realize that each day should be savored! It would also make an incredible gift for others. Don’t pass it up!
Victoria, Educator, Author,

“Your insightful words give structure to this idea of “This Too Shall Pass” the one idea that is through line is to be present and pay attention. Words matter and your words have power to make a significant impact, Bravo!”
-Gina, Educator, High School President, Masters in Education Biology


“Natalie’s upcoming book “This Too…” is a treasure trove of Life-isms that give everyone a new perspective and inspirational words to hold on to during both life’s joyful and difficult times.”
-Maureen, Author of “Press Pause” and contributor to “Magnificently Made” Podcast Hostess- Unsilenced, Unafraid, Unstoppable

 “Natalie Friscia Pancetti’s book takes the powerful sentiment of “This Too Shall Pass” even further. Her Life-isms she shares are sometimes surprising, sometimes heartwarming, and always impactful. Her words will absolutely stick with me”
-David Noll, TV Show Creator- Exec. Producer- TV Series- Two Time Emmy Award Winner- Author of “The Visionary In Charge”

“Reading Natalie Friscia Pancetti’s excerpt on “Life-isms Feelings” section from Her book, “This Too…” makes me think about how important it is to PROTECT YOUR ENERGY. As an empath & highly sensitive person who has been labeled as “too sensitive” by others, these life-isms really hit home. Natalie’s words make me feel seen & validated. Her words assure us all that it is ok to feel all the feels, a much needed message & reminder.”
-Christina: Educator and author of “Embrace Your Features”


"Prepare to embark on a transformative journey of introspection and growth. This Too,  is a beacon of wisdom that illuminates the pathways to inner peace and purpose. Each page holds a nugget of enlightenment, offering solace and inspiration during life's various seasons.  Author Natalie Friscia Pancetti will give you a new perspective and inspirational words to embrace and act on. It can be used as a reference for any time you might need reflection or guidance to find tranquility throughout any time of your life. Take these thoughts and savor them, think about them, discuss them and realize how they connect to you."
-Donna, Principal at PS60 NYC DOE


"Inspirational. Motivational. Powerful. Supportive. Uplifting.
This book is truly a multi vitamin for the soul! Eve
ryone needs to get their daily dose!"
-Roseann, Educator 


"Compact wisdom for everyday life."

-Emily Maroutian, Author of Your Empowered Self


"I love the concept of this book. This Too is a reminder, a wake-up call, that life itself is a gift. From our feelings to our family, friendships and dreams, it is all here-now -in the moment! This Too is an "I need to pinch myself" book, something we all need."
-Tom Kersting, Best selling author of Disconnected and Raising Healthy Teenagers


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